My dog, let me show you it

The short story is that she was living in the bushes in front of my house for a day or two. The neighbor took her in, but in a few weeks decided they couldn’t keep her. So, I agreed to keep her. She’s heels, doesn’t chew, but doesn’t come, sit or stay. And she poops in the house when she’s upset. She’s about to learn the joys of crate training. But all she wants is to be near someone. The neighbor’s kid named her Daisy, so that’s her name now.

my dog, let me show you it

Daisy relaxed


Daisy, mildly perturbed

2 responses to “My dog, let me show you it

  1. ah, look at the puppy…

  2. all right, i feel like i’m in the know now. she’s cute!