Painting my fridge

Wednesday I read this Lifehacker article about custom colored chalkboard paint (I used the Martha Stewart recipe) which spurred some googling and ended up with me deciding to make the side of my refrigerator a chalkboard. It’s one of the first things you see walking in the door and a little color there wouldn’t go amiss.

On my way home I hit the hardware store and got a sheet of 150 grit sandpaper, a mini-roller, a bag of TSP/90, unsanded tile grout, and a quart of flat, latex paint. Total cost $22 (it was the expensive local store). I stopped by the dollar store for a set of dollar measuring cups/spoons, bringing the total cost to $23.

So, here it is to start with:

I cleaned it with some TSP/90, which is awesome and cuts right through that grease/dust that collects on the top of the fridge. Then I taped the edges up because my rolling skillz aren’t all they could be, really. If you’re careful, you don’t need to do that.

I mixed the paint, per the instructions, and started rolling.

1 cup of paint was plenty to cover the side. It rolled on the same as any other paint. I was a bit dubious when I finished rolling, but as it dried the texture appeared and relieved my doubts.

I let it dry overnight, lightly! sanded (I would rather have gone 180 grit so I could actually put a little pressure on the paper) and applied a second coat (only used 1/2 cup of paint. Thin coat, was plenty) the following day. When that dried I again lightly! sanded it, and coated with chalk. Oh, add $1 to the total cost for chalk (unnecessary parenthesis).

Wipe it down, and done!

It’s obvious that the paint won’t stand up to too much abuse, I can see it would peel off if it was hit or really scuffed. On the other hand, it should be easy to get off when I change my mind or want another color.

Total time: 2 days
Actual work time: ~3 hours
Total cost: $24

Next up,  painting those horrible brown kitchen cabinets.

27 responses to “Painting my fridge

  1. Cool idea! Question can you still hang a magnet on it? I am impressed.

  2. Coolest.Idea.EVER.

  3. Yeah, but what happened to that cool Smithsonian experience towel.

  4. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations]

  5. Pingback: innovation604 News Portal » Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations]

  6. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | My Blog Channel

  7. instead of going thru all this, go to officedepot buy a dryeraser board, some markers and voila!!

  8. Pingback: JM » Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations]

  9. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Geek News and Musings

  10. Pingback: Kampf dem Alltag – mit Tafelkreide! | nullwert

  11. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Reviews Manual

  12. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Diy all the Way

  13. Pingback: Turn A Fridge Into A Household Chalkboard | Lifehacker Australia

  14. Nice tips Kristin. I’ve linked it from my blog and added a video oh making a chalkboard sign. Enjoy –

  15. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Key To Eden

  16. Who wants all that chalk dust all over the place!

    Crazy, just stick a whiteboard on the side!

  17. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Raise Your Marketing IQ

  18. Pingback: Turn a Fridge into a Household Chalkboard [DIY Creations] | Beyond Tech - Technology Ahead Of Your Imagination

  19. Pingback: How you can turn your refrigerator into a to-do list | The Productive Organizer

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